14 Jan., 2013 ArtweaverTeam

It has been quite silent about Artweaver Team the last months but not for us internally. We are still improving and enhancing Artweaver Team but the next upcoming great big features need a lot of work and time. But we plan to publish smaller improvements to Artweaver Team in the meanwhile to reduce the waiting time for the big features. So please stay tuned and regularly visit Artweaver Team and this blog to keep updated.

28 Dec., 2012 News Artweaver ArtweaverTeam

We are happy to announce that new Plug-Ins for Artweaver are now available. Plug-Ins extend the functionality of Artweaver (both Free and Plus) about specific features. All Plug-Ins can be found and downloaded from the Artweaver Plug-Ins website.

Following new Plug-Ins were added
  • Swap Channel Plug-In
  • DjVu Plug-In
  • Polar Coordinates
  • Sprite Sheet Plug-In
And there are also some others
  • Artweaver Team Uploader Plug-In
  • Lua Plug-In
  • ORA Plug-In

11 Nov., 2012 ArtweaverTeam

We are sorry for the internal server errors happening the last days. We have now found the reason and fixed it. It seems that the latest database update has changed the default behavior and therefore such errors occurred. If you still experience internal server errors, please contact us.

03 Nov., 2012 ArtweaverTeam

Besides the changed default behavior of the gallery also new options to get notifications for session status changes have been added. Now you get by default an E-mail notification for each session you have started with some useful information like the connection details. You also get informed after a session has been stopped (either by you or the system). Those new notifications are configurable in your Artweaver Team settings in the new added notification section. Here it's possible to individually enable / disable notifications for each status change of a session.


06 Oct., 2012 ArtweaverTeam

With today’s update to Artweaver Team we have changed the default behavior of the gallery regarding stopped sessions. From now on every stopped sessions is automatically added to the user’s gallery and visible for everyone. We hope this will increase the number of valuable content in the Artweaver Team gallery as well as encourage all Artweaver Team users to use this great feature. If you dislike this new gallery behavior it can be changed in the Artweaver Team gallery user settings to the old behavior where each session needs to be added to the gallery by hand. If there are any open questions, check out the help pages or contact us.