24 Dec., 2013 Artweaver ArtweaverTeam

It was a little bit quiet the last weeks about Artweaver Team and its development. This doesn't mean that Artweaver Team is not further developed but just that we are very busy with the next version of it.

Expect soon a brand new version of Artweaver Team with improved usability, a more cleaner design and many other small changes / improvements.

To reduce the waiting time until its public available here a screenshot to see what it currently in development:


Please stay tuned and regularly visit Artweaver Team and this blog to keep updated.

17 Dec., 2013 Artweaver

Artweaver provides since many versions useful commands to create custom presets directly in the application and to use them immediately. After you have created your own presets you can also export and share them with other Artweaver users.

If you are curios how presets can be created in Artweaver, please take a look at the following help articles on the Artweaver website which describe detailed the required steps:

26 Nov., 2013 News Artweaver

An update for Artweaver Free and Plus 4 to version 4.0.4 is now available. You will get this update automatically over the Artweaver self update feature the next days.

This update includes the following improvements / fixes

27 Oct., 2013 News Artweaver

An update for Artweaver Free and Plus 4 to version 4.0.3 is now available. You will get this update automatically over the Artweaver self update feature the next days.

This update includes the following improvements / fixes
  • Danish language file by ChristianB added
  • Tablet support improved
  • Color blending precision improved
  • Language file support improved
  • Wrong handling of opacity in paint bucket tool fixed
  • Error reports: 1317833505, 2502119626, 57184839, 1439009687

14 Oct., 2013 Artweaver

Some Artweaver users are asking for a portable version of Artweaver and the answer if there exists such a version is No and Yes!

Maybe you are a little bit confused by the answer but it is quite simple:

No means that you cannot directly download a portable version of Artweaver from the Artweaver website but Yes means that you can make an existing Artweaver installation portable. Doing this only requires some steps which are detailed described in the How to make Artweaver portable KB article on the Artweaver help website.