Introducing Artweaver Team Gallery

06 Jan., 2012 Artweaver ArtweaverTeam

We're proud to announce that now a public gallery is available on Artweaver Team where all users can show their session results to everyone. This new feature is for free and visible to every registered Artweaver Team user after the next login.

The personal Artweaver Team gallery is accessible for everyone by entering an address like Team.

How to use it?
A new image in the gallery is instantly visible on your personal gallery page with a single click in the Artweaver Team web interface. Just click on the Show button under the preview in the session history list after a session has been stopped. You can also enter a tittle and description of the image which is shown on your gallery page too.
If there are any open questions, check out the help pages or contact us. Also don't miss to check out the latest images added to the Artweaver Team gallery on this page.