Major update of Artweaver Team

29 Dec., 2013 News Artweaver ArtweaverTeam

Maybe you have already noticed it that the whole website of Artweaver Team has been reworked. Together with a brand new design there are also some changes in the handling of Artweaver Team.

The first and important one: You cannot longer login with your user name but now you have to use your email address as login. This change is only valid for the login and not for the password which hasn't been changed.

Besides this login change there are also some usability improvements in the web interface after logging in which makes it easier to understand and use Artweaver Team. In short, the functionality of Artweaver Team has been split into 5 different pages:

  • The overview page which allows you to start, preview and stop your active session. It also shows you the recent sessions which can be directly managed from here.
  • The session page where you can manage your current running session and also invite friends to it. It also shows you useful details about the session and invitations.
  • The gallery page where all your stopped sessions are listed. You can manage each of them from here, see more details and also control if they should be visible in your personal gallery or not.
  • The help page where you can get and search for help. It shows you besides a search field for the Knowledgebase the popular and latest articles.
  • The profile page where you can edit and adjust your Artweaver Team account settings.

Last but not least there is also now a complete German version of Artweaver Team available. It automatically detects your browser language and shows you the right language and also sens you emails in your preferred language.

Note: If your Artweaver Team account is still in English and you want to change it to German you may need to update the language value in your profile.

We hope you enjoy this new Artweaver Team and if there are any open questions, check out the help articles or contact us.